Friday, June 09, 2006


We must all do penance for our sins. If we do not, we shall have long years of suffering in the awful fires of Purgatory. This fire is just the same as the fire of Hell. Now if we offer our sufferings – the very little ones as well as the greater ones – in union with the sufferings of Jesus Christ, we are doing the easiest and best penance we can perform. We may thus deliver ourselves entirely from Purgatory, while at the same time gaining the greatest graces and blessings.

Let us remember clearly that:

1. Sufferings come from God for our benefit.

2. When we are in the state of grace, we derive immense merit from every suffering borne patiently, even the little sufferings of our daily lives.

3. God will give us abundant strength to bear our sufferings if we only ask Him.

4. If we bear our sufferings patiently, they lose their sting and bitterness.

5. Above all, every suffering is a share in the Passion of Our Lord.

6. By our sufferings, we can free ourselves in great part, or entirely from the pains of Purgatory.

7. By bearing our sufferings patiently, we win a glorious crown of martyrdom.

Of course we may do all in our power to avoid or lessen our sufferings, but we cannot avoid all suffering. Therefore, it is clearly necessary for us to learn how to bear them. In a word, we must understand clearly that if we remain calm, serene and patient, suffering loses all its sting, but the moment we get excited, the smallest suffering increases a hundredfold. It is just as if we had a sore arm or leg and rubbed it violently; it would become irritated and painful; whereas, if we touch it gently, we soothe the irritation.

We suffer from ill-health, from pains, headaches, rheumatism, arthritis, from accidents, from enemies. We may have financial difficulties. Some suffer for weeks in their homes, some in hospitals or nursing homes. In a word we are in a vale of tears. Almighty God could have saved us from all suffering, but He did not do so because He knows in His infinite goodness that suffering is good for us.

(I can't exactly remember where this came from-good advice nontheless. GM)


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